CINV is the International Centre for Wound Care Nursing.
MISSION: “To make the world a better place for patients and families who are fighting against chronic wounds!”
# WELCOMING. At CINV every person is welcomed and is treated with the utmost respect without prejudice regarding religious beliefs, sexual orientation, political ideas or ethnicity.
# COMPETENCE. At CINV every type of service delivered is based on scientific principles, nothing is done arbitrarily. In order to make wound care nursing effective and safe, even in compliance with the laws on the appropriateness of care, each service that is provided is based on the recommendations suggested by national or international guidelines where available. When problems overcome our competences, we help in choosing the right diagnostic-therapeutic pathway suggesting the suitable specialist.
# CARE. At CINV we take care of people and their families, organizing events to increase knowledge on specific topics. We always educate and respect everyone's choices.
# NURSING. CINV is a nursing project born in Italy, built for free and autonomous nurses in their areas of expertise who love to share their passion for national and international wound care.
# POWER. At CINV our strength lies in the respect and satisfaction of our patients, collaborators, friends and people we work with.
# EDUCATION and KINDNESS. AT CINV education and kindness are the two pillars of our work along with competence. We are kind and want to be treated kindly. We adopt a "Zero Tolerance" policy on bullying and behavior aimed at the prevarication of patients and healthcare professionals involved in the care process.
# COLLABORATIONS. CINV collaborates with any individual and / or organization that reflects ethical, moral, respectful and honest values ​​for patients and their families.
# SEARCH. CINV believes in nursing research, promotes it with the aim of improving quality of care through different methods such as publication in international and indexed journals, organization of studies on gray areas of literature and any other study that can improve the quality of wound care nursing.
# INNOVATION. At CINV, innovations are welcome. We are committed to creating and innovating wound care nursing.
# PUBLISHING. CINV dedicates itself to publication of books and/or journals dedicated to wound care acting where possible as an
CINV provides quality services to people suffering from chronic skin ulcers or those at risk. CINV monitors the healing rates with relative timescales reporting them on the website.
After the first assessment aimed at establishing the healing potential, a nursing program is set up with the aim of restoring tissue integrity.
We have a patient-centred and not a dressing'centred approach. If problems exceed our skills, we direct patients to professionals who are able to solve problems. We work following the method of evidence-based nursing.
We work with general practitioners (GP), specialists and obviously with nurses who share our strategic vision and our values.
CINV mainly offers a visiting service in the areas where it is present. The center of the care process is the patient. This model is based on four fundamental aspects: nursing skills, care environment, care process and person-based outcomes involved in the nursing process. We also collaborate with specialist facilities .
CINV deals mainly with:
Simple and complex venous leg ulcers.
Skin tears
Arterial ulcers (where it is possible to intervene autonomously).
Atypical ulcers (pyoderma gangrenosum, sickle cells related ulcers, necrobiosi lipoidica diabeticorum in collaboration with experts in the field). For treatment of sickle-cell related ulcers, CINV uses the "SICKLE approach", a treatment method invented by the clinical director and also used in England. The publication in the British Journal of Nursing can be found here LINK.
Diabetic foot treatment (after evaluation and where it is possible to intervene independently).
Diabetic foot prevention (screening and risk category assignment).
Pressure injuries (pressure ulcers).
Lower and upper limbs lymphedema including head and neck (application of Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy (DLT) and manual lymphatic drainage).
Fungating Wounds.
Infected surgical wounds.
In the preventive field CINV organizes meetings and training for professionals and not.
Research, Publication and Innovation.
CINV's mission is to improve wound care nursing. To this end, one of the fundamental pillars is represented by research and publications aimed at improving care practice. CINV loves innovations and therefore undertakes to consider the use of information technology. Our publications can be found on the website.
Training and education.
CINV aims to organize specific courses on innovative topics and to train healthcare professionals interested in wound care nursing. For training activities CINV works closely with experts in various sectors of interest. CINV loves the exchange of experiences through the promotion of congress activities.
National and international collaborations.
In carrying out its tasks, CINV collaborates with national and international organizations and experts.
International Nursing Network Creation
CINV aims to create a network, both national or international, of experienced nurses or aspirants in wound care, vascular nursing, dermatology, lymphology, diabetes.... with the intention of sharing experiences and improving people and families' quality of life struggling against chronic ulcers.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "The information provided on CINV websute is designed to support, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician."
Funding: The CINV site is funded by Massimo Rivolo clinical director and administrator and does not contain paid advertising.
Via Marco Polo, 7 - 10060 San Secondo di Pinerolo (TO) Italy
(+39) 3381413016
La situazione è cambiata grazie "all'incontro" con il dott. Inf. vulnologo Massimo Rivolo che, con grande professionalità e competenza, in circa tre mesi ha portato la mia ulcera alla remissione!!!!
Gli sono infinitamente grata
Il Dott. Massimo Rivolo in un mese e mezzo di prestazioni a domicilio è stato in grado di curare completamente la lesione cutanea ad una gamba di mia cugina di 93 anni
Ringrazio il Dottor Rivolo per la sua professionalità, e disponibilità,,nel curare con attenzione la gamba di mia mamma di anni 81, raggiungendo la totale guarigione, grazie
A lei Dott. Rivolo va la nostra gratitudine, ma soprattutto ammirazione per la professionalità di altissimo livello con cui porta avanti il suo compito in condizioni non sempre facili(quasi irreparabili..) senza mai dimenticare che il paziente è una persona e non un numero. Avendo sempre una parola, un sorriso, un gesto di attenzione e tanta, tanta disponibilità.